Thursday, 03 May 2012 18:35

Ben Hartley Letter 017 - 1943-03-24

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Postage Stamp:  FREE
Postal Mark:  Wichita Falls, Texas
Postage Date:  Mar 24 12:00PM 1943

Pvt. Ben R. Hartley
A.S.N. 18,232,843
Barracks 293, Service Squadron 32
308th Training Group
B.T.C #3
Sheppard Field, Texas

To:  Mister Louis Hartley Jr.
The Mart Herald
Mart, Texas

March 23, 1943

<Letter Water Damanged on both sides>

Dearest Louie,

I doubt if this letter reaches you in time for your birthday, but I want you to konw that I have been thinking of it for the past couple of days and didn't forget.  I haven't had time to get out of here to buy you a present, so I am enclosing a check which I probably won't have a chance to cash.  It is a Grey Hound lines refund draft which I am endorcing over to you with which you can feel free to buy what you want most.  In these times, however, I suggest that you spend your money wisely, for the day will come when nickels


Read 40665 times Last modified on Friday, 18 January 2013 02:19
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